Published on: 01.07.2018.
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Vol. 2018/I.


The editors are pleased to present issue 2018/I of the Pécs Journal of International and European Law, published by the Centre for European Research and Education of the Faculty of Law of the University of Pécs.

In the Articles section, István Lakatos undertakes to analyse the debate concerning universalism versus cultural relativism, focusing especially on women’s rights Mirlinda Batalli and Artan Fejzullahu look at the principles of good administration under the European Code of Good Administrative Behavior. Lilla Nóra Kiss shares her thoughts on the legal framework of unilateral withdrawal from the European Union through the lens of the Brexit process. Fanny V. Bárány gives a critical overview of the legislative history of the functioning of foreign higher education institutions in Hungary. Sabina Đipalo focuses on characterizing the inaction of the United Nations Security Council as a failure in the enforcement of international law as regards collective security. In the Case Notes and Analysis section, Laura Gyeney gives a thorough examination of the NA case (Case C-115/15) decided recently by the Court of Justice of the European Union. Andrei Dragan looks at the legal situation of so-called “New Minorities” in the states parties to the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. In this issue’s Reviews section, Ameni Mehrez reviews The Oxford Handbook of Refugee and Forced Migration Studies (Oxford, 2014) while Greta Gruzdytė gives an insight into the monograph The United Nations and the Politics of Selective Humanitarian Intervention by Martin Binder (Palgrave Macmillan, 2017). We encourage the reader, also on behalf of the editorial board, to consider the PJIEL as a venue for publications. With your contributions, PJIEL aims to remain a trustworthy and up-to-date journal of international and European law issues. The next formal deadline for submission of articles is 15 October 2018, though submissions are welcomed at any time.


ISTVÁN LAKATOS – Thoughts on Universalism versus Cultural Relativism, with Special Attention to Women’s Rights

MIRLINDA BATALLI & ARTAN FEJZULLAHU – Principles of Good Administration under the European Code of Good Administrative Behavior

LILLA NÓRA KISS – Unilateral Withdrawal of a Member State? Some Thoughts on the Legal Dimensions of Brexit

FANNY V. BÁRÁNY – Legislative history analysis of the operation of foreign higher education institutions in Hungary

SABINA ĐIPALO – The Security Council’s Non-Determination of a Threat to the Peace as a Breach of International Law

LAURA GYENEY – The Right of Residence of Third Country Spouses who Became Victims of Domestic Violence in the Scope of Application of the Free Movement Directive – Legal Analysis of the NA Case

ANDREI DRAGAN – “New Minorities” in the States Parties to the Framework Convention: The Importance of Self-Identification and Recognition

AMENI MEHREZ – Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Gil Loescher, Katy Long, and Nando Sigona (eds): The Oxford Handbook of Refugee and Forced Migration Studies

GRETA GRUZDYTĖ – Martin Binder: The United Nations and the Politics of Selective Humanitarian Intervention